Chimney Cleaning Sweep ServiceOur standard sweep service for solid fuel systems involves power sweeping stage 1, and stage 2 creosote deposits from the chimneys venting components for the solid fuel burning appliance.
Sweep Not InspectionA Sweeping Service is not an inspection. If you don't know the history or condition of your solid fuel system (appliance and venting components), if you have been experiencing system performance issues such as smoking problems, if you've had a chimney fire, recent changes to the system or simply would like it evaluated, we recommend an inspection (not the Sweep Service). During an inspection we can determine if the system has creosote deposits that warrant a sweep.
No Mess, Professional ServiceDuring the chimney cleaning sweep service, we ensure that no dust or mess will be created or left behind by taking all the necessary precautions to protect your home.
We lay drop cloths around the fireplace or wood-burning appliance opening and use a high powered vacuum to control the chimney soot, ash and dust. Professional Service | WETT CertifiedOur chimney sweep service is conducted by a WETT Certified Chimney Sweep. We are licensed, bonded, and insured.
Power Sweep Chimney Cleaning EquipmentA power sweeping tool is considered far superior than the old, standard brush and rod, hand powered chimney sweeping method. The power sweeping tool hooks up to a drill and spins inside the flue to sweep stage 1, and 2 creosote deposits. The gentle bristles on the power sweep tool head are designed to provide a maximum clean sweep without damaging your chimney flue or wood-burning appliance.
PricingWe offer a flat rate for our standard chimney sweeping service with up to 50 minutes on site. If you require any additional services in addition to the standard sweep service, we recommend letting us know while booking so that we can ensure enough time is allocated for the service appointment.
Dryer Vent Cleaning & Vent Services
Save money when you have your dryer vent cleaned in combination with one of our chimney services - chimney sweep cleaning or inspection.
Deglazing Service | Glazed Creosote
There are different types of creosote that may be produced as a result of burning solid fuel. Glazed creosote is defined as a stage 3 creosote, and is often a result of smolering fires; burning wet wood and/or an inadequate supply of combustion oxygen. Other contributing factors may include unsuitable system conditions, or chimney or venting components that have a poor installation design (bends, exterior wall etc). Glazed creosote can be difficult to remove, and isn't removed during a standard chimney sweep service. These deposits often require a creosote modifying chemical, and mechanical methods to remove.
Types of CreosoteThe stages of creosote and how they are formed.
FirewoodA guide to firewood harvesting, storing and some wood species descriptions.
How to Burn WoodFive tips for wood burning fires.
Chimney Inspections | WETT Inspections
We strongly recommend to have your solid fuel burning system and chimney inspected by our WETT Certified SITE Comprehensive Inspector. Sweeping your chimney without an inspection does not suggest system compliance.