Solid Fuel System Inspections
Levels of Chimney Inspections
Level One Inspection - "Readily Accessible"
Readily accessible can be described as quickly or easily reached for inspection. It would not require the use of special tools for opening the removal of any panel, door or other covering; nor would it require the use of ladders. A tape measure, light, mirror, camera, magnifying glass and binoculars are the usual tools required to perform this type of inspection.
Level Two Inspection - "Accessible"
Accessible can be described as being reachable for the purpose of inspection/evaluation. Access could first require the moving or removal of a panel, door or other covering and could require the use of ladders and common tools such as a screwdriver, wrench, hammer or related service tools/equipment. Access does not require any invasive action to the building or property.
Level 3 Inspection - "Concealed Accessibility"
Concealed Accessibility can be described as accessible only by invasive means. This may require the removal of constructed (but not structural) areas of the system or building to gain access for the purpose of implementing a level-3 inspection/evaluation. It may also require the use of specialty tools and equipment.